Sunday, January 16, 2011

Look, I'm not an intellectual- I just take pictures

Thanks to Lara for having a really cool quote on her blog ( that inspired me and became my subject line.


  1. Charissa!
    These are amazing! My favorites are the pool balls (very creative, great DOF); the cat (GREAT lighting, and it's so beautiful); the boy and statue thinking (very cute idea!); the baby; and the person walking along the railroad tracks. :)
    You are SO creative, Charissa! Keep up the GOOD work! Check out my blog:
    Ashley from Photography class

  2. Why does it seem that everybody has awesome railroad tracks, to take photos of, except me!? Oh well :) I love all the unique perspectives you give to your subjects. Also that picture of the kitten practically melted my heart!! :D

    Alrighty. So how you get the reaction bar thingy is done like this: go to the dashboard and click on the 'Design' button under your blog's name. In the bottom right hand corner of the block that says 'Blog Posts' there should be a button saying 'Edit'. At the box that pops up, check the box that says 'Reactions' and you can edit the reactions if you want. :D It's super simple if ya know how. ;) Hope you find it without any problemos!

    I'm unsure if I'm doing the photo thing right...I can't seem to get those picture sizes to pop up for me. :( I guess I'll have to keep on experimenting! But thanks for explaining it anyhow :)

    I wish I had taken those pics in my blog's header. *hangs head shamefully* I snagged them off the net. >:D

    You HAVE to post your picture story (for Photography class) once you've done it! Just sayin'.
