Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas Eve, World!

It's Christmas eve! Now that just feels magical. (or it could just feel extra super duper magical because I just finished watching a "Christmas is full of magic" hallmark classic) but, just the same: it's a wonderful time of the year!
And you only get to say that once every 365 days, so that's pretty cool.

So... let's just say that "too much Christmas" and all the projects that entail have already taken me down the path of insanely yelling throughout my household "I am NOT picking any more pictures!! NO more picture picking!".  About every 5 seconds it seems I have to turn my head (or the iphoto picture album) onto the next project.  Which conveniently involves picking the exact right pictures for the exact right occasion or person.  Pleeease don't get me wrong, it's worth it every single time!  Every person that "the project" is for, I love dearly and they deserve more than what I have to give them.  Just, sometimes... it takes the sanity of my (busier than me) mom and a very, very patient and loving God to make me not go running off down the hill so that I never have to see two pictures that have to be picked between ever again.

SO! As being allowed to have a place to say exactly whatever I want  (Ah! no filter.) I suppose this is a very selfish place for me to very conveniently do whatever suits my fancy.  Therefore, as much as I would want to be able to come up with some extremely cool photos entirely relating to the magicfulness of Christmas, I'm afeard my sanity would fly out the window if I even tried to pick 5. Aaand as this is what I really have been wanting to do, I will post pictures of some of my favorite people! AND! Actually, even though the complete "not dreaming of a white Christmas" land I live in does not have snow, the pictures ARE Christmas themed as it was a photo shoot for Christmas cards. Yay!!
 Hope you get a little taste of the awesomeness I got to enjoy while shooting them.

 I like it a lot when she laughs.

 People in love are so beautiful.

 They are SO destined for parenthood!

 Now talk about that Christmas spirit!

 I love this moment.

 Oh, and this one. First kiss recreation.

THAT is a cool cat.

Happy, happy Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


A Nikon D3000: 400$
Driving to a pretty place: 15$
Getting people to be comfortable around a big, fat camera: hard work
The moment: Priceless.

How about those moments when you capture a person completely off guard?  No posing, no fake smiles, no instruction on where to stand- how to lean, where to place your hands... It's all real.  You just capture people living.  Living and being and breathing.  Most of the time it begs a story.  Lots of times it makes you want to laugh.  Other times it's just outstanding.  Every time: it's priceless.  It's not something that can be recreated, which makes the picture a once in a lifetime shot.  Being the photographer who is blessed so much as to be allowed in these moments is a kind of "blow my mind" way to live.

YAY for those moments!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Christ alone. My rock. My redeemer. My delight. My focus.
It's so absolutely wonderful when you're trying to snap a shot and you have this core subject you wish to portray and bring out, so the camera makes these funny noises as it works on figuring out how to make that one subject pop.  Then!  When all goes well, you have this picture of this one great subject, shining beautifully while all the background is blurred.  That is the most important part and it is the clearest and most outstanding.  In life, I want Christ to be the focus.  He stands out; beautiful, radiant, and focused!  Sometimes I make some funny noises as I try to figure out where the focus of my heart stands, but in the end I remember! He ALWAYS holds my heart and soul.  It's Christ alone.  He is the focus.  And THAT is a good picture!
Aperture: man's attempt to recreate the human eye.  It's not nearly as close, but I'd say they did a pretty good job.  Using aperture, I can decide exactly how much light I want to come through the lens to be recorded onto my image.  I think that's pretty terrific, but Jesus has an even better way of letting in His light!  He illuminates life through His ever-steady presence; shown through His word, His blessings, His people, His creation, and all of the above.  He hit the nail on the head when He said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" in John 8:12.
Manual setting: Bah!  Can be quite the confusing, crazy, cool thing at times.  SO many options, so many choices, so many things to fix, so many things to change, so many things to figure out!  Manual setting is like the choosing to make the process of taking a photo all the more confusing and difficult, but- such a prettier image you have in the end!  Same with life: I choose to put my life on manual mode, completely make every single area of life entirely vulnerable to God's control.  He could change, alter, challenge, eradicate any single (big and little) part of my life at any moment!  Maybe a bit uncomfortable at the time, but I know that He has a much prettier image in mind.
Exposure is a challenge.  In the most vital moments of photography you have to decide, how long am I going to keep this eye of the camera open?  How much light needs to come in?  In the most vital moments of life, a decision must be made: are you going to let Christ in big time? Slow the shutter speed, beg Him to bring in all His light and completely consume your life.  Or only keep your eyes open for such a tiny amount of time that makes all of life dark and shady?  In the middle of night you can leave the shutter speed open for so long that even in the midst of the complete darkness, light will shine through and beauty exposed.  In the midst of the darkness, let all of Him in to take over and reveal the beauty of Himself.
Red Eye: cool stuff.  Some one's eye can so completely turn red and such a sweet person can suddenly look entirely evil.  It's quite scary.  But!  There's this great thing in photography that lets you remove the red eye, and makes the person look just as beautiful as they really are without adding a vampire effect.  Sooo much in the same way, but sooo much bigger: Christ removed all the red eye in the world when He, the most perfect, amazing human being/100% God there ever was, gave Himself up to bare every item of our yuckiness on His holy back.  He didn't just bare it though, He took the punishment.  Because He loves you.  That could blow your mind if you let it sink in for about 2 seconds.
Adventure: while shooting in your very own mother's garden or in the great Alps of who knows where, photography can be such a grand adventure!  A challenging, fun, incredible adventure.  Living with Christ is an adventure.  Whether I'm sitting at my desk trying to get beyond page one of The Odyssey or  struggling with the items of my heart or living life in the jungle among lions, snakes, and bears (oh my!): it is an adventure.  Christ is always present and the fun never ends!  He's always letting me explore His heart while challenging my own.  And just when the adventure seems to be a leeetle too much (like I can't really get over this hill, please let me drop dead right here type stuff) He gives the wings that are like eagles and reminds me that He is the one that knows how to soar, even when my soaring has taken me smashing into the ground.

Mm.. so how about a picture?  THAT is the hard part.  About a million pop into my head.
So how about something cool?  Going out in the early morning, and somehow, the sun turns out like THIS: